hapeeee monday!!

I feel guilty because I haven’t written about music, for music in a long time. But i figure that when the feeling comes it will be poured all over the blog.. so for now i will write about my dreams.. You know, those vivid shadows that crawl on the moist side of your eyelids.. Thank you for for checking this “site” out..

i dream in blues

Blue water. like cyan blue, the color of paint, a 312c.

it gushes through an enchanted forest brewing thick baby blue froth.

the stream passes through corridors of blue leafed baobabs.

their straw roots leisurely sipping the cool blue tributary.

lady bugs are speckled blue

dung beetles lug twigs, sand shavings, and regurgitated bits into a cacophony of blue pantone hues

life blossoms around the surging waters and when i lean over the edge,

it is not my reflection that beams up to my iris

but an a checkered floor,

ripe with the echoes of moving feet, yes dancing feet.

are you as thirsty as i am?

(c) Pilzy Lee 2012

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